big data (4)

10929257069?profile=RESIZE_710xFood Traceability 4.0 refers to the application of fourth industrial revolution (or Industry 4.0) technologies to ensure food authenticity, safety, and high food quality. This paper gives an update on the application of Traceability 4.0 in the fruit and vegetable sector, focusing on relevant Industry 4.0 enablers, especially Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and Big Data. Traceability 4.0 has significant potential to improve quality and safety of many fruits and vegetables, enhance transparency, reduce the costs of food recalls, and decrease waste and loss. A barrier to its implementation is that most of the advanced technologies have not yet gone beyond the laboratory scale, and hence have high implementation costs and lack of adaptability to industrial environments.

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Australian scientists are using big data analysis of the genomes of 3500 species of micoorganisms, plants, algae and insects in order to find when "disease genes" jump species during evolution. Genes that have been laterally transferred may hold clues to genes that help the pathogen survive, evolve and cause disease, and therefore assist in the search for disease resistance.

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Mars is collaborating with IBM in the US to track its raw material microbiome along the food supply chain to use it as a marker for traceability, authenticity, safety and even freshness.

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