Academic or other Research organisations
1. Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS), Queen’s University Belfast
2. University of East Anglia
Organisations with general proficiency in food authenticity testing across a range of scientific techniques and food commodities
3. Campden BRI
4. Eurofins Food Testing UK Limited
5. Fera Science Ltd
6. LGC
7. Premier Foods trading as Premier Analytical Services (PAS)
8. Reading Scientific Services Ltd
Organisations with a specific expertise in a particular food authenticity technique(s)
9. Food Forensics Ltd
10. SGS Analytics United Kingdom Ltd
Organisations with an in depth knowledge of authenticity testing for a particular commodity
11. School of Natural Sciences, Bangor Science Campus, Bangor University (Cereal grains)
12. Chelab (Tentamus) GmbH (Fruit and vegetable juices, herbs and spices)
13. GfL Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Forschung GmbH (Processed fruit, juices/drinks, and related products)
14. Minerva Scientific (Tentamus) (Honey authenticity)
Public Analysts: organisations with food authenticity analysis expertise in the context of official controls
15. Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory
16. Edinburgh Scientific Services
17. Glasgow Scientific Services
18. Hampshire Scientific Services
19. Isle of Man Government Laboratory
20. Public Analyst Scientific Services Limited (PASS)
21. Tayside Scientific Services.
Please note:
The listing of a CoE on the food authenticity network is not an endorsement by Government of an organisation but an acknowledgment that the organisation has a particular expertise in authenticity testing either for a particular technique/ food commodity or authenticity testing more generally. It is intended as a guide for those looking for information about food authenticity testing capability in the UK. As such, if a CoE is selected to perform a particular service for an organisation or individual, then it is the responsibility of the procurer to ensure that the services requested are fit for their purpose. The Criteria for a 'Fit for purpose' analytical laboratory identified by the AMWG in its response to the Elliot Review may help in the procurement of analytical services.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland, July 2020