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Shape policy for transparent food systems!

✅Do you have experience of developing policy/regulation that impacts on the food system?

✅Do you have experience of implementing policy/regulation that impacts on the food system?

✅Does your work aim to influence policy/regulation that impacts on the food system?


❗If your answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, we would like to hear from you!


🌍The Horizon Europe-funded TITAN project is conducting a survey on how policy and regulation can promote and enable more transparent food systems that promote greater sustainability, food safety, and improved health and nutrition.


⏭️A key output from the project will be a policy roadmap, proposing actions and measures that build food system transparency. This will be presented to the European Commission and shared widely with national governments and agencies. Your participation in this survey will ensure the relevance and currency of the policy roadmap.


🔗The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete. You can access it, and find further information, via the link or QR code below. The survey will remain open until 31st July.

 Participate in the survey here!

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