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This forum is open to members to raise discussion points and reply to posts.
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Dear Reader,
A UK government funded project (FA0179, Defra), is conducting a survey ‘Food authenticity methods’ to determine what types of methods are used within the food industry for authentication of produce. Simultaneously to this aspect of the work, a review of new and emerging technologies is being undertaken and will be combined with these results. This will help to identify possible gaps and may lead to future work undertaken by Defra.
To identify which authenticity methods are currently used we have created a short (5 minutes) survey to answer this question.
We are interested in responses from all stakeholders in the food chain: food producers, food retailers, government, analytical testing providers, and academia. If you perform or contract food authenticity testing, we would like your help!
Specifically, the survey will ask, in general terms, what aspect of a food is used for verification of authenticity, how this is measured and the specific food commodity. Further information regarding the methodology used can be provided if desired. The survey can be completed anonymously although if respondees wish for their organisation to be acknowledged, receive feedback on the report when completed or to be contacted for further information allowances are provided.
The link for the survey is here
The survey will be closed 30/09/19.
Results will be collated and incorporated into the final Defra project report which will be made publicly available by mid of 2020.
Contact details if you have any questions are provided in the survey.
Many thanks
James Donarski
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