Techniques - Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA)

Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis.  The "fingerprinting" of a sample by its characteristic pattern of isotope ratios, which is driven by the geographic location or production method of the agricultural inputs.

Biological and Geological Isotopes

Isotopes are different forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons.  Hence they differ in their atomic weight but not in chemical properties. This difference in atomic weight means they can be separated, and measured, using mass spectrometry.

Most elements have naturally occurring heavier isotopes in very small amounts e.g. carbon, consists of approximately 99% 12C, 1% stable 13C, a tiny amount of radioactive 14C. It is the change in proportion of the heavier minor isotopes that serves as authenticity markers.

Authenticity markers can be divided into biological (H, C, N, O, S) and geological isotopes (Sr). Isotope ratios are measured in relation to an international standard.


Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Ratios

The change in ratio of hydrogen (2H deuterium) and oxygen 18O isotopes can indicate geographical origin. Seawater contains a very small natural proportion of D2O and H2O18. As seawater evaporates and falls as rainfall, the D2O and H2O18 are slowly fractionated; because they are slightly heavier, the D2O and H2O18 rainfall tends to fall before H2O16. Thus, a higher ratio of D/H and 18O/16O builds up where the rain falls first, and then is depleted as the rain moves further inland. The plants and animals then take these higher heavier ratios from the rain and ground water, which will distinguish them from plants and animals grown further inland.


Nitrogen Isotope Ratios

The nitrogen isotopic ratio in plants can indicate the type of fertiliser used. Synthetic fertilisers are produced from the nitrogen in the air, which only has 0.37% 15N.  Organic fertilisers (manure, fungal action etc) enrich the 15N content.


Carbon Isotope Ratios

Carbon 13C/12C ratios are dependent on the biosynthesis mechanism of the two main groups of plant – C3 and C4 plants. Most plants are C3 and are lower in the heavier 13C isotope . Maize and sugar cane, which could be used to adulterate honey and fruit juice, are C4 plants and have higher 13C/12C ratios. Sugar beet is a C3 plant, and hence requires special methodology to distinguish it from the intrinsic sugars in grape must, honey or fruit juice. (Fortunately, the third group of plants - CAM - are rare and unlikely to be used as adulterants; pineapple sugar is too expensive, and agave is more profitably used for tequila production)

Abundance of heavier Carbon Isotope 13C (as % total carbon)


Stontium Isotope Ratios

The strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr reflects the geological structure underneath and around the land used for growing crops or rearing animals, and so can be indicative of the geographical origin.


Using Stable Isotopes to Build an Authenticity Classification Database

A database of isotope ratio profiles is constructed from  "authentic" reference samples.  A mathematical classification model is then derived, which can involve both advanced statistics ("chemometrics") and Machine Learning.  These models can be based on a single isotope ratio or a combination of elements.  They can incorporate other multi-dimensional analytical data such as trace metal or mineral concentrations.

Test samples are then compared with this classification model to check if they are consistent with the reference samples.

The classification model can either be:

  • One class (i.e. "Is the sample part of this authentic population, or is it not?")
  • Multi-class (i.e. "Which of these population groups does the sample fall into?")

 Example - Two-class Model for Farmed vs Wild-Caught Sea Bass using SIRA combined with Fatty Acid Profile

Cabon Isotopes Image Copyright: Food Authenticity Network.

Sea Bass Image Copyrighti: Crown