The European Food Fraud Community of Practice

Project Kick-off Meeting

Work Packages

Work package number 1: European Food Fraud Community of Practice Network (EFF-CoP)’s inception and mobilisation.

Objective: To establish a lively European Food Fraud Community of Practice (EFF-CoP) which will drive knowledge exchange between regulators, food industry, funding bodies, standardisation bodies, other end-users, and natural and social scientists.

2025 - 2028

Aim: To revolutionise the combat against food fraud and enhance transparency in food supply chains.

How? By establishing and mobilising a lively European Food Fraud Community of Practice (EFF-CoP) with 5000 members, a sustainable Research and Innovation eco-system of all stakeholders dealing with food fraud prevention and detection.

 The Food Authenticity Network (FAN) is delighted to be a Partner in the EFF-CoP project and we will be leading Work Package 2: Identification of Needs and future research agenda.