Following the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), BSI has considered how it can actively support and contribute towards the collective efforts in mitigating the potential risks caused by this global health issue amongst the UK business community.
It reviewed the information available to it and as a result, BSI has worked with international standards organizations to make these standards accessible for the purposes of organizations that are involved in the UK COVID-19 response.
Continuity and Resilience
- PD CEN/TS 17091:2018 Crisis management: Building a strategic capability
- BS EN ISO 22301:2019 Business continuity management systems — Requirements
- BS EN ISO 22313:2020 Business continuity management systems. Guidance on the use of ISO 22301
- ISO/TS 22318:2015 Guidelines for supply chain continuity
- ISO 22316:2017 Organizational resilience. Principles and attributes.
Risk Management
- BS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management — Guidelines
- BS 31100:2011 Risk management - Code of practice and guidance for the implementation of BS ISO 31000
Community Resilience
- BS ISO 22319:2017 Community resilience - Guidelines for planning the involvement of spontaneous volunteers
- BS ISO 22330:2018 Guidelines for people aspects of business continuity
- BS ISO 22395:2018 Community resilience. Guidelines for supporting vulnerable persons in an emergency
Emergency Management
- BS ISO 22320:2018 Emergency management. Guidelines for incident management
These standards offer information and practical advice for businesses and individuals, which help the business community navigate the challenges and potential risks associated with the current global crisis.
BSI will constantly be reviewing the situation in order to ensure that we are working with businesses in the most effective and supportive way in these extraordinary times.