FAN 2023 Global Food Fraud Report


  • Food fraud reports published by global regulatory agencies during 2023 do not provide evidence of a consistent, significant trend during 2023.
  • The activity associated with official food fraud and food safety reports remained fairly consistent across the four quarters of 2023.
  • The top three commodities with the most food fraud reports varies depending on the source of reports and the tool used:
  • Using official reports only, ‘Fruit, vegetables & legumes’, ‘Milk & diary products’ and ‘Beverages’ are the top three.   
  • Using official, media & peer reviewed publication reports, ‘Honey’, ‘Herbs & Spices’ and ‘Meat & Poultry’ are the top three.
  • The number of official food fraud reports published, by an average of thirty-six sources, is very low at only ~9% of food safety reports.
  • Botanical origin fraud was the most reported type of food fraud in 2023, followed by dilution or substitution, and animal origin fraud.

FAN has collaborated with the providers of three leading commercial food fraud incident collation tools (FoodChain ID Food Fraud Database, HorizonScan and Safety HUD) to produce this report, which provides a summary of global food fraud reports in 2023. This report is the first annual report to be produced for this FAN Partner project. 

We are grateful to our Partners (McCormick & Company, Dr Ehrenstorfer and LGC Axio, Tenet Compliance & Litigation, the Food Industry Intelligence Network, the Institute of Food Science & Technology, SSAFE, Tesco, and BRCGS (LGC Assure)) for funding this work.

For 2024, Gold and Platinum FAN Partners will be sent a quarterly dashboard at the end of each quarter.

Read full report.

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  • Interesting report, thanks for sharing, Selvarani! I am wondering whether it would be possible to specify what was the type of olive oil.

    I assume that it was Extra Virgin Olive Oil and not just "plain olive oil" (i.e. Olive oil composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils resulting from the blending of refined olive oil with extra virgin and/or virgin olive oils.)

    • Thanks Savvas Xystouris!

      The oil seeds category included all of the following: HorizonScan = Canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, safflower, sunflower, rice bran, and peanut oils, and Safety HUD = argan, cannabis, coconut, grapeseed, linseed, palm, peanuts, rapeseed, sesame, soybeans, sunflower and wheat germ oil.

      We are very grateful to the tool providers for contributing data to this project on a pro bono basis. Further detailed information can be accessed by contacting the individual tool providers.

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