origin of dairy products (1)


The Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture began a coordinated research project in November 2013 which finished in September 2018, on "Accessible Technologies for the Verification of Origin of Dairy Products as an Example Control System to Enhance Global Trade and Food Safety". Nine countries took part in the project, and the report reviews the studies done in each of these 9 countries (Argentina, Bangladesh, China, Lithuania, Morocco, Russia Federation, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, and Singapore) which demonstrates the successful use of stable isotope and trace element analysis, sometimes using other nuclear and complementary techniques to verify the origin of dairy products. The project generated 17 peer reviewed publications, and the report consists of  the main publications from each of the 9 countries on dairy products, which have resulted directly from the research undertaken in the coordinated research project. The paper from China in the report deals with the verification of organic pork from conventional pork. 

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