AI & predictive analytics have been recently introduced as a digital technology that may help food safety teams rapidly mitigate and early prevent food risks before they escalate into a crisis. Up to now, application scenarios have been focused on enhancing incident and hazard risk forecasting.
Still, many critical food safety management decisions are related to ingredients and raw materials sourced from 3rd party suppliers. Exploring how AI-powered forecasting may support supplier selection, monitoring and compliance activities therefore becomes of critical importance.
In this webinar, Agroknow’s CEO Nikos Manouselis invites a panel of experts to reflect upon the value that AI & predictive analytics may add to such application scenarios:
• They will go through the most important food risk mitigation & prevention decisions that AI can enhance today.
• It will be demonstrated how the leading food risk intelligence platform FOODAKAI is currently enhancing supplier risk monitoring, assessment & prevention.
• A conversation will follow about the ways in which with reliable forecasting models may enhance supplier-related decisions on a strategic and tactical level.
• A reflection on what is still missing from such tools will close the session.
The Webinar “Incorporating predictive analytics in supplier risk monitoring & assessment " is addressed to directors, heads and managers of food safety, quality and supplier compliance in global FMCG manufacturers.
Register here to receive the webinar recording and supportive materials.