Analytical Techniques Explained in Plain Language

The aim of this section is to explain some of the more common techniques used for food authenticity testing in plain language to give stakeholders context by which they can both choose appropriate test methods and interpret results reported in certificates of analysis.  We would value your feedback ( on whether we have achieved this, and whether the explainers could be improved in either pitch or content. 

We will be adding more methods over the next few weeks. The first to go live are Mass Spectrometry and Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis. Content was written by Mark Woolfe, and reviewed by scientists from our Centres of Expertise laboratories and the FAN Executive Team, and we are extremely grateful for their in-kind time contributions.

These explainers were one of the priorities identified by our government Funding Partners and we are grateful to them for funding their development.  If you would like to join our funding partners then please get in touch.

A video guide on how to navigate to the new page is here.

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  • Thanks very much for getting this published. Our heart-felt thanks to FAN's inagural Secretary, Dr Mark Woolfe, to producing this Compendium, to our Centres of Expertise reviewers, and to our government Partners for funding the work.

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