Early-Bird Registration is open here, and abstracts are still being accepted.
This week-long technical meeting includes a session on "Food Authenticity, forensics and isoscapes", co-ordinated by Dr Simon Kelly of the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture.
Simon encourages you to submit an abstract addressing novel stable isotope methods, strategies or case studies in the fields of Food Authenticity, Forensics and Isoscapes. Topics of interest that can be addressed include new analytical or data strategies in food origin/production, method/fraud detection; novel food, functional food and food supplement authentication; forensic research on explosives, drugs of abuse, substandard and falsified medicines, or micro/elemental traces; scientific or forensic research regarding sources, partitioning, or provenance of natural and synthetic materials or organisms using isoscapes.
Key dates:
- Sunday, 26 Jan 2025 (end of day): Deadline of abstract submission
- Friday, 28 Feb 2025 Notifying of authors
- Friday, 7 March 2025: Early bird deadline
- Tuesday, 22 April 2025: Regular registration deadline