Tracking where your soya comes from: A growing concern for industry
sustainability (6)
METROFOOD is proud to announce the METROFOOD-PP Final Conference - Boosting Research and Joint Cooperation: an Agrifood System Snapshot, which will be held the 19th of May at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.
EU-China-Safe (Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership, aims to mobilise resources in Europe and China to develop a cohesive partnership that will deliver a shared vision for food safety
The ultimate consequences of COVID-19 on communities, countries and the world has yet to be realised and may take years to understand fully. However, the revolution in technological innovation instigated by the research community for SARS-CoV-2 tes
What we eat and how we grow it are changing. The need to feed a growing population, tackle hunger and obesity, and avoid trashing the planet is driving the next food and agricultural revolution. New Scientist Live’s Future of Food and Agriculture is