10441812696?profile=RESIZE_710xEurachem and EUROLAB have jointly established a Task Group with the aim of giving better guidance on how validity of sampling procedures preceding chemical analysis in a laboratory can be improved – possibly through some kind of validation procedure, whether that will include the entire measurement process (from sampling to final test report) or just the sampling (and sample handling) taking place outside the laboratory. The basis for work in the Task Group is the two existing Eurachem guides “The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods: A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics” and “Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling” (both free for download from https://www.eurachem.org/)

At this open event, everybody, with an interest/experience in the field of taking primary samples for the purpose of having them tested in an analytical laboratory, is invited to contribute with their views on the subject.

Registration must be done by 29 April 2022 at the following link: https://forms.gle/DhU3qgnbAXiFUdyRA

All registered participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the online platform (Zoom).