13420552478?profile=RESIZE_710xThe National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) of the UK Food Standards Agency has issued an AMBER Food Crime Alert on the Risk of Document Fraud in Laboratory Results.

There has been an increase in the use of fraudulent laboratory results being seen in issues that have been investigated by the National Food Crime Unit.

As such, this alert is being issued so that any business within the food supply chain who use testing results as a means to assess food safety, compliance with legislative requirements or to approve the use of a product or supplier can be aware of the recommendations raised in this alert.

If you have reason to believe that a test result you are being shown may be false, we recommend taking the following actions:

  1. Review the document carefully. Look for any errors in wording or layout, including differences between dates that appear on the certificates.
  2. Layout issues could include shadowing or misalignment around key data including dates, signatures or data values. 
  3. If reviewing the documentation on site, ask to see original emails or review the results directly through result portals (if available). Do not rely on second hand references to results such as excel spreadsheets - these may be used legitimately for companies to consolidate and present trends, but should not be accepted as an alternative to sample certificates.
  4. Consult the laboratory name on the certificate if in doubt, or report to the National Food Crime Unit at: Food Crime Confidential or by freephone on 0800 028 1180. For non UK mobiles or calls from overseas please use 0207 276 8787. 
  5. Where there are concerns that testing results are false or not authentic, consideration should be given whether this introduces a food safety concern, or food safety non-compliance, in particular when the test results are a legal requirement. 
  6. Be aware of the risks of document fraud for other certificates such as third party assurance certificates, Protected Designation certificates or product specifications and report any other concerns around document fraud using the information above.

CONTACT NFCU - If you become aware of information relevant to this Food Crime Alert, please share with NFCU via:

  • WEBSITE – visit food.gov.uk and click 'Report' at the top of the page.
  • TELEPHONE –08000 28 11 80.
  • EMAIL – foodcrime@food.gov.uk.

Please quote the alert number A003 in correspondence. Our processes enable us to handle information discreetly.

Read full alert.

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