supply chain resilience (1)

12299674074?profile=RESIZE_710xThe United Kingdom Food Security Report (UKFSR) sets out an analysis of statistical data relating to food security by examining past, current, and predicted relevant trends to present the best available understanding of food security.

The UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) published the first UKFSR on 16 December 2021 and is now planning the production of the next UKFSR, which will be published in the second half of 2024.

Defra is currently seeking users' views on the content of the 2024 UKFSR.

As with the 2021 report, the next report will cover 5 themes:

  • Theme 1: Global availability
  • Theme 2: UK food supply sources
  • Theme 3: Supply chain resilience
  • Theme 4: Food security at household level
  • Theme 5: Food safety and consumer confidence.

Please help Defra to improve the next report by answering a few short questions on these themes, and the report as a whole, by 15 December 2023Access Defra questionnaire.

Thank you!

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