collaboration (3)

An Ode to Food Authenticity

Food fraud is a serious global issue that is inextricably linked to food safety and negatively impacts legitimate food business and consumers. By greater cross-sector, multi-disciplinary and multi-country collaboration, we can be better prepared to fight food fraud.

The FAN Team got together with our colleagues and collaborators to produce ‘An Ode to Food Authenticity’. We hope you enjoy it.

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Report on Food Fraud in Canada


This report contextualises the topic of food fraud across Canada’s agri-food system and presents a novel intervention framework to Deter, Identify and Prosecute (DIP) food fraud.

In this context, deter refers to the strengthening of regulatory and legal deterrents. Identify refers to the
scientific methods to identify food fraud and prosecute refers to the ability to use
the scientific evidence as a basis to prosecute bad actors.

The authors believe that this novel framework captures and integrates the key components which are essential
to reducing the risk of food fraud in Canada.

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