evoo (1)

13443907282?profile=RESIZE_400xIn this paper (open access) two optical spectroscopic techniques,  Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy, are assessed for EVOO adulteration detection, using the same reference database of olive oil samples. In total, 184 samples were studied, including 40 EVOOs and 144 binary mixtures with pomace, soybean, corn, and sunflower oils, at various concentrations (ranging from 10 to 90% w/w). The reference class of “pure” EVOOs were limited to oils from a specific geographic region (either Crete, Lesvos, Kalamata or Achaia, with a different model built for each case).

The emission data from LIBS, related to the elemental composition of the samples, and the UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra, related to the organic ingredients content, were analyzed, both separately and combined (i.e., fused), by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and Logistic Regression (LR). In all cases, very highly predictive accuracies were achieved, attaining, in some cases, 100%.

The authors conclude that both techniques have the potential for efficient and accurate olive oil verification test protocols, with the LIBS technique being better suited as it can operate much faster.

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