coe (3)

13208864101?profile=RESIZE_584xThe FAN annual call for new Centres of Expertise (CoEs) was launched in the last FAN Newsletter; the applications received were reviewed by FAN and recommendations for acknowledgement discussed and agreed with the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Food Standards Agency & Food Standards Scotland.  

We are delighted to announce that the following five organisations have been acknowledged as Food Authenticity CoEs:  

  • Edinburgh Scientific Services 
  • Glasgow Scientific Services 
  • Hampshire Scientific Services 
  • Isle of Man Government Laboratory 
  • Tayside Scientific Services.  

These organisations are all Public Analyst laboratories and have a wealth of experience in food authenticity analysis in the context of official controls. Two Public Analyst laboratories were already recognised as CoEs, and now all seven will be listed as food authenticity CoEs in a separate category called ‘Public Analysts’. 

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10951670268?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Food Authenticity Network has worked with Defra, FSA, FSS, NFCU, SFCIU and the Food Authenticity Centres of Expertise to agree a framework for a co-ordinated response from food authenticity Centres of Expertise to national / international food and feed fraud incidents / investigations.

Official controls of food and feed labelling and compositional standards involves the verification of labelled product information and requires a wide range of analytical and molecular biological techniques to be deployed, many with exacting instrumentation requirements and in-depth scientific interpretation of the datasets generated. In recognition that no single institution could field the complete range of such techniques with the required expertise in all of the food and feed commodity groups, a number of Food Authenticity Centres of Expertise (CoEs) have been acknowledged (see below for list and further information). 

It was envisaged that the virtual network of  CoEs would function in a similar way to a National Reference Laboratory by helping to ensure that authenticity testing methods employed are fit for purpose and offer expert advice to the food authenticity analytical community as required. 

A framework has been produced for collaboration of Food Authenticity Centres of Expertise to facilitate the formulation a collective technical view, in response to a request from UK Government, during an emergency food or feed fraud incident/investigation. A collective technical view will facilitate UK Government in making evidence-based decisions in a timely manner so as to minimise the impact on legitimate businesses and protect consumers.

The Framework is not a public document but the process flow diagram is presented above to illustrate the process agreed. An accessible version is available here.

The Framework flow chart and the accessible version have also been added to the CoE page on this network.

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Following a call for new Food Authenticity Centres of Expertise (CoE) last year, two new laboratories have been added the Network's list:

  • Public Analyst Scientific Services Limited (PASS), Wolverhampton  has been added as a Centre of Expertise in the ‘General’ category.
  • School of Natural Sciences, Bangor Science Campus, Bangor University, Bangor has been added as a Centre of Expertise in the ‘Specific Commodity’ category


For further information on these organisations, see their Full Evidence Proformas on the Centres of Expertise pages.Laboratory has been added as a Centre of Expertise in the ‘General Proficiency’ category.

Applications for new Food Authenticity Centres of Expertise can be assessed throughout the year so if you think your laboratory can fulfil the AMWG criteria for a Centre of Expertise then please complete a self-assessment evidence proformaproviding evidence of your capabilities, and send to 

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