FSA-funded project: Review of current and emerging analytical methods for the testing of oil for authenticity (Project FS900520)
With funding from the UK Food Standards Agency, Fera Science Limited (Fera) in York, UK is currently undertaking a project to review the current and emerging analytical methods for testing edible oils and support the further development of analytical methods which will underpin and uphold the authenticity of edible oils in the supply chain.
As part of the project’s evidence gathering, Fera would like to invite parties involved in sourcing, processing, and/or testing edible oils to participate in an online questionnaire.
The fundamental mission of the FSA is food you can trust. The FSA strategy sets out FSA’s vision to ensure that the UK food system is safe, and that food is what it says it is. This involves building scientific capability in Public Analyst (PA) Official Laboratories (OLs) and working with Defra’s food authenticity programme to conduct research and development for analytical methods. Suitable analytical methods are required to ensure that food is what it says it is and to manage risk around food authenticity.
As key stakeholders, your insight will help to inform FSA regarding issues in oil authenticity and future-proofed analytical tools to support both industry and regulators, while maintaining consumer confidence in our food.
Your participation will be very much appreciated and your views and insight will be invaluable to the project aims.
A summary of key findings from the questionnaire will be included in the final report, but no sensitive information will be published.
Please complete the questionnaire here. If you have any questions, please contact info@fera.co.uk.
Your kind participation will be very much appreciated and your views and insight will be invaluable to the project aims.
Photo by Stephanie Sarlos on Unsplash